Estadística: |
Datos actuales: |
108658 |
Datos atereiores: |
164722 |
Fotos: |
46977 |
Serial Number | 8063 |
Civil reg. | D-HATE |
Mil. reg. | |
This helicopter when registered in West Germany by the Bundesminister des Innern (BMI) as D-HATE from October 1970 and operated by the Fliegerstaffel Mitte from Bonn Hangelar and was then operated by the BGS Fliegerstaffel Ost based at Berlin Tempelhof (EDDI), Berlin from 1993. While in service, this aircraft was also used to transport RAF prisoners like Gudrun Enzlin. Canceled as SOC and PWFU since 25.01.2001. This has been preserved as donated and owned to the Luftwaffen Museum der Bundeswehr in Berlin Gatow ever since January 2001. This museum had a change of name to the Militaer Historisches Museum (MHM) Berlin Gatow since the 1st of October 2011. Stored in the restoration area on the 27th of April 2017. |
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