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Serial Number110171
Civil reg.
Mil. reg.NVA-5211

This helicopter was regd. to the East German Nationale Volksarmee as NVA-521 and operated by the KHG 3 from August 1981 till the 31st of November 1981.

When regd. to the East German Nationale Volksarmee as NVA-521, operated by the KHG 67 since the 31st of November 1981. This helicopter was on the 3rd of June 1982 during a low level trainings flight. Aim of this trainings flight was to simulate a hover attack with the PALR system towards armoured vehicles. During its hover its main rotors have struck some trees resulting it to crash into the river Havel near Wust in Brandenburg at 19.10hrs. Two of the three crew members where able to exit the crashed helicopter which came to rest with its nose sunk under water on its right side. Sadly the pilot named as Leutnant Klaus Kleest was unable to exit his cockpit on time due to the water pressing against the cabin door and drowned.

We wish to express our sympathy to all the families and friends of those involved.

The helicopter was recovered and transferred to the FRW-24 for rebuild as an instructional airframe.

This was then used as such by the MTS VII from the LSK-LV at Bad D?ben.

This was transported as owned by the Luftwaffen Museum der Bundeswehr in Berlin Gatow for preservation since 1995.

This museum had a change of name to the Milit?r Historisches Museum (MHM) Berlin Gatow since the 1st of October 2011.

42 Photos found
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