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Serial Number900-00099
Civil reg.D-HBWG (2)
Mil. reg.

This helicopter was regd. in the USA as N70389 (2) with Mode-S Hex: A96345 by McDonnell Douglas Helicopter from 23.01.2002 till 05.05.2004 as exported to Germany.

On Tuesday evening, the 10th of May 2011 at around 19.00hrs, a 77-year-old, disoriented woman was missing out of a nursing home in Engelsbrand. To find here in the dark, this police helicopter from the Innenministerium Baden-W?rttemberg was called from its out post base at Karlsruhe/ Baden Baden (EDSB) to assist the search by using its FLIR imaging camera. While part of the missing person search, this helicopter had crashed for yet unknown reasons at around 21.30hrs into the forest near Engelsbrand. The three crew members were reported severally injured with the two pilots being freed from the wreckage by fire fighters and heavy equipment. The woman officer responsible for the FLIR camera operations was found badly injured outside the wreckage as probably thrown out in the crash. They were taken to nearby hospitals. The Federal Aviation Investigation (LBA) was notified and arrived on the site. The criminal investigation has also included investigations from Pforzheim.

The large-scale search resumed in the forest also by a police dog that had found the 77-year-old woman unharmed. A total of 40 fire brigades and 30 officers of the Police Department were used in this accident and search from Pforzheim. The two seriously injured pilots are reported on the following day, no longer in danger after there emergency surgery.

Cancelled as destroyed since the 10th of February 2015.

12 Photos found
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