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Zivil Reg.N631CK
Mil. Reg.

This IFR helicopter was registered in the Netherlands as PH-NZG to KLM Noordzee Helicopters BV from 10.12.1975 till 06.09.1977.

Re-registered in the Netherlands as PH-NZG to KLM Helicopters BV from 06.09.1977 till 1993.

Slide via.ASMN from 1985

Re-registered in the Netherlands as PH-NZG to KLM / ERA Helicopters BV from 1993 till 03.07.1998.

Re-registered in the Netherlands as PH-NZG to Schreiner Northsea Helicopters BV from 03.07.1998 till 24.04.2006.

Re-registered in the Netherlands as PH-NZG to the CHC Helicopter Netherlands BV from 24.04.2006 till 08.06.2009 as exported to Brazil.

Reserved in Brazil as PR-MEX since December 2008.

This became registered there in Brazil as a daytime IFR helicopter to Capital Aviation Services BV as PR-MEX from 03.07.2009 till 20.03.2015.

Re-registered in Brazil to Omni Helicopters International SA as PR-MEX from 20.03.2015.

Offered for sale via International Aviation Marketing Ltd Contact Brad Shaen: +1 (604) 669 6406 since the 29th of January 2020 with a TTSN of 37.484hrs. Price: Make Offer

Aircraft Highlights & Additional Equipment:

This is an excellent IFR Offshore machine that remains on an active contract and therefore is serviceable and fully operational. The helicopter may be modified for onshore utility operations. HISL - Whellen; Portable Fire Extinguisher; Fixed Under Carriage Landing Gear; External Cargo Provisions and Carson Main Rotor Blades.


GPS - Universal UNS 1SP; Weather Radar - Bendix RT1301A; ELT - Kannad 406AF-H; TCAS - Avindyne - TAS620; ADF - Bendix KLM; DME - Collins DME 40; Flight Following - Skytrack ISAT-100; ADELT - Techtest 15-503-134; Radar Altimeter - Collins 860F-1; CVR/FDR/MPFR - Penny Giles; VHF Comm - Collins 618M-4; VOR - Collins VIR-30 and ILS - Collins VIR 31H.


Nineteen (19) Utility Passenger Seat


White all over with two orange stripes

Then registered in the USA to Croman Corp as N631CK with Mode-S Hex: A841AF since 09.02.2021.

Updated 30.9.2023
17 Photos found
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