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Serial Number1103 / FW.157
Civil reg.
Mil. reg.(V-281)

This helicopter when registered to the Swiss Air Force as V-281 on April 4, 1974, was SOC as PWFU during the end of 2008 from the Swiss Air Force and stored with the RUAG for preservation. It was parted out and demilitarized as sold to private.

On Friday, February 27, 2009, at 9:00 am, in preparation for the revival of the Sculpture Park, this helicopter became one of the new highlights of the exhibition. It was donated by Mr. Michael Sailstorfer (30) and is now an art exhibit named "High Visit, Cologne 2009." The Sculpture Park 5 also features 16 other new art exhibits. The helicopter will be on display for the next two years, with the park opening to the public on April 17, 2009. Entry to the park is free! Topics of the exhibition include human interaction, the environment, and evolution. Among the 40 international artists featured are Aaron Curry, Katharina Fritsch, Jonathan Fair, Thomas Rentmeister, Dirk Skreber, and Alan Sonfist.

Michael Sailstorfer's biography is as follows. Born in 1979 in Velden / Vils 1999-2005 Studies at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts 2003-2004 MA Fine Arts, Goldsmiths College, University of London 2005 Residency Villa Aurora, Los Angeles 2006 International Studio Program, Office for Contemporary Art Norway, Oslo; lives and works in Berlin. He has many art exhibits on display all over Germany, and the Alouette is his 2nd preserved helicopter. The first one is a Mi-1.

The foundation for the helicopter was installed on the roof of the main building. The helicopter was lifted with a special crane from Colonia on February 27, 2009. On special occasions, the rotor blades can turn silently, and some of the lights are operational. All these modifications and installations were prepared and completed by RUAG in Switzerland.

108 Photos found
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