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Serial Number4195
Civil reg.D-HMFD
Mil. reg.

This helicopter was regd. in Germany and operated by Meravo Luftreederei GmbH as D-HAUE (2) from1992 till December 2016.

After the German army decommissioned the BO105P's in December 2016, the need for another basic training helicopter occurred. The tender for a new helicopter required also particular training procedures, such as autorotations. Meravo was awarded the contract in December 2016 after successfully bidding during tender with six Bell 206 JetRangers. The German operator Motorflug has commenced maintenance and operations on base with the military training contract at the B?ckeburg. Motorflug has provided this helicopter re-registered with D-HMFD with Mode-S Hex: 3DF2D5 as the first in a small ceremony held at B?ckeburg by Achum (ETHB) on the 16th of March 2017.

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