Statistic: |
Current heli data: |
108660 |
Ex heli data: |
164774 |
Photos: |
46978 |
Serial Number | 6028 |
Civil reg. | N8628X (2) |
Mil. reg. | |
This helicopter when regd. to the West German Bundeswehr as 86+28 was also operated by the Hfr 16 from 30.10.1980 till 21.01.2002. Operated by the HFlgRgt 25 from 21.01.2002 till 23.01.2002. Operated by the HFlgWaS from 23.01.2002 till 31.07.2002. Returned to the Hfr 16 from 31.07.2002 till 14.10.2002. Then operated by the HFlgInstStff 100 from 14.10.2002 till 14.04.2003. Returned to the HFlgRgt 25 from 14.04.2003 till 22.12.2003. Operated by the HFlgUstgStff 10 from 22.12.2003 till 29.01.2007. Operated by the HFlgUstgStff 1 from 29.01.2007 till 24.02.2009. Operated by the HFlgVerbAufklStff 100 from 24.02.2009 till 26.02.2009. Returned to the HFlgUstgStff 1 from 26.02.2009 till 02.03.2009. Operated by the LwInstHGrp 25 from 02.03.2009 till 03.03.2009. Operated by the LwInstHGrp 25 (SAP) from 03.03.2009 till 09.02.2010. Returned to the LwInstHGrp 25 from 09.02.2010 till 10.02.2010. Returned again to the HFlgUstgStff 1 from 10.02.2010 till 11.10.2010. Operated by the HFlgUstgStff 1 (SAP) from 11.10.2010 till 18.12.2012. Repainted into special markings for the HFUS 1 unit's fly-out, and its disbandment since the 14th of November 2012. Operated by the KHR 36 since the 18th of December 2012 till 2015. Reported SOC as seen stored in Celle during May 2015 with a Total Time Since New (TTSN) of 5345,48hrs till SOC. Stored in Hangar 1 as noted on the 1st of June 2015. This was also transported by road to put on static display in B?ckeburg during the open day on the 11th of June 2016. Returned to hangar 1 for store as noted there on the 7th of July 2016. Partially parted out for demilitarisation by LfzTStff RestFlBtrb since the 3rd of January 2017. Offered for sale via VEBEG with the batterie cover of SN. 6139 and two engines (Not complete) S/N 250-533 & 250-577, main and tail rotor head and blades, back three-seat bench since February 2017 with an auction date ending in Celle on the 20th of March 2017. This was sold in a batch with three sister ships as 86+21, 87+73, 87+87 and 88+04 mounting up to a total of ?302.500,00 Euros. This is then regd. in Canada to Red Deer Auto Group Inc as C-FZWF (5) since 08.02.2018 till 16.06.2020 as registered in the US. This became regd. there in the USA to Blue Bird Air Inc as N8628X (2) with Mode-S Hex: ABD9CB since 06.07.2020.
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