Statistic: |
Current heli data: |
108749 |
Ex heli data: |
165042 |
Photos: |
47011 |
Serial Number | 0372 |
Civil reg. | G-ODOC |
Mil. reg. | |
This helicopter was regd. in the UK to Gas and Air Ltd as G-ODOC from 27.08.1997 till 21.03.2012. Re regd. in the UK to Aubrey Bristow as G-ODOC from 21.03.2012 and had a Total Time Since New (TTSN) of 1507hrs till the 31st of December 2013. Re regd. in the UK to Startrade Heli GmbH & Co KG as G-ODOC from 26.08.2015 till 08.10.2015. Re regd. in the UK to Engelbert Theben as G-ODOC since 08.10.2015.
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