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Serial Number12009
Civil reg.N44QA (2)
Mil. reg.

This helicopter was regd. in the UK to Heli Air Ltd as G-TOLI with Mode-S Hex: 4054A5 from 17.11.2007 till 03.01.2008.

Re regd. in the UK to JNK 2000 Ltd as G-TOLI from 03.01.2008 till 06.07.2010.

Re regd. in the UK to John G & Gillian D Coleman as G-TOLI from 06.07.2010 and had a Total Time Since New (TTSN) with 216hrs till the 31st of December 2013.

Re regd. in the UK to John Gerrard Coleman as G-TOLI from 29.10.2015 had than a TTSN of 626hrs till the 8th of January 2016.

Cancelled as exported to Sweden since the 29th of January 2016.

This was regd. in Sweden to Scandinavian Osterberg Helicopter Center AB as SE-JYL from 01.02.2016 till 24.07.2018 as exported to the US.

This is then regd. in the USA to International Air Services Inc Trustee as N44QA (2) with Mode-S Hex: A549A3 since 11.06.2019.

8 Photos found
Graeme C Lovell Terry Fletcher Graeme C Lovell Graeme C Lovell Terry Fletcher Graeme C Lovell
Derek Heley Derek Heley

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