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Going online with the database

As of the end ofJuly 2008, we shall provide our helicopter database collection to the public in the net, but at First for our group only.

In due time, you can take out a subscription for Business, when you are a helicopter enthusiast special conditions may be granted for large volumes of information and to supplier of photographs capable to use online in the database. So far we have managed to collect details of more than87. 000 helicopters, although incomplete in parts off course.

We are in the process, nonetheless, to try and complete the database as far as possible, covering the period of 1946 till today, providing any details available on any helicopter ever produced in that period. The helicopter database has no details on home build ore some on of experimental helicopters.

The database is meant to be the largest archive collection there is online, also giving information on helicopters damaged in accidents, modifications to specific versions AS350B1 to AS350B2, number of owners or kinds of paint finish when photographs available. You will even be able, in time to search for specific helicopters used for instants in firefighting by its companies. You will than get a list of helicopters used for firefighting. You may sort the list by its Registration, Helicopter Type, Company, ore Country your self.

Check out some sides here, the way we like to present them complete. Those pages show extracts on helicopters that we have managed to document almost completely in the database. It is my ambition to have the same for any helicopter saved in the database.

This will not be possible, of course, for all, but I will do my very best to get as close to achieving this ambition as possible. I am sure you know how difficult it is to get all the details, but I will keep on trying to make the database as comprehensive as possible, including new registrations.

The master data should contains serial number, registration, type, owner, operator and location, year of construction (mfd), with other details on option. In some cases, we just have details on type, registration, country, but no owner/ operator or other info’s.

I would appreciate your help on this one, and would be very happy to hear from you. When you were to send me a text to contact me, I will answer you as soon as possible. Information regarding helicopter photographs send by you to me is that they must have at leased the picture size of 300Kb up to 2MB each. Showing me the date when the photograph was taken and if you like some text also to add with the picture.

The copyright is always with the photographer unless he ore she advises me differently. The pictures shown inside the database could very from 80Kb to 200Kb, but will be very small in size. Picture requests will be past on to you directly via mail. So please get in touch to make this helicopter project even more perfect. I lock forward of hearing from you, all the best and always have a god flight. Yours sincerely Frank Vorwerk, editor.

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