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Por favor, consulta algunas fichas tecnicas aqui en la seccion Lista actual, que estan casi completas para su presentacion a mis amigos y a otros entusiastas de los helicopteros en todo el mundo.
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Welcome to the Helicopter Database of HTDI

Dear Friends and Colleagues of the International Helicopter Industry and Scene, Please allow me to introduce to you our helicopter database powered by HTDI and friends (HTDI Team).

We have set up an archive collection in which each and every helicopter, be it military or commercial, is listed by its registration as a minimum but with more than 87.000 entries.

It is our objective to prepare a data sheet of any helicopter produced, except for home builds, indicating serial number, current registration, type and version, year of construction, current location, country, owner, operator and operator's address if requested, which would be advertising free of charge for such company at the same time.

To make it complete as well as possible, we are always on the lookout for photographs, with a side view if possible, of any helicopter types to be retrievable in our database. It is mostly spotters that make such photographs, and it is such people whose support we would like to have.

We, that is me, Frank Vorwerk, and some 250 helicopter enthusiasts spread worldwide. As we are not enough, that's why we need you. You can contact me for details.

Yours sincerely,
Frank Vorwerk and HTDI team.

© 1989-2025 HTDI HeliTechnical Data International

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