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Serial Number5096
Civil reg.(D-HZYQ)
Mil. reg.

This helicopter when registered in Germany to the Bundeswehr as 80+96 (2) was SOC and stored with Eurocopter in Donauwoerth since 2002.

Noted stored with the ALT in Bonn Hangelar during May 2010 as prepared for a preservation project by the ADAC Luftfahrt Technik GmbH (ALT).

Stored inside the Air Lloyd hangar since July 2010. Still there in December 2010.

This was moved to the ALT hangar in May 2011.

This helicopter was then parted out with its avionic parts. It will be an art subject and should be placed next to the intersection of the A2 and the A1 motorway inside the area of the Kamener Kreuz west of Kamen city about 15 km NE of Dortmund.
Repainted in yellow colors by the ALT and stored outside in Bonn Hangelar on the 1st of September 2011 awaiting its transport by road to Kamen.

Motorists can see this helicopter from the 9th of September in the north-western hills of this Kamener cross-section as eight angels will carry a yellow helicopter. This will overlook the highway with a total height of 7.5 meters. This work of art is the highest on a highway in this region.
The ADAC has been working with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, to make the streets a little safer. The sculpture is intended to help.

The artist Alfred Gockel

ADAC turned to the artist Alfred Gockel from Luedinghauser, for a unique project. Gockel, known internationally as a painter, sculptor, and printmaker, was tasked with transforming a yellow helicopter into a work of art. Given the freedom to create, Gockel approached the project with his signature artistic flair. Beyond the visual aspect, the artists had to consider the statics of the project. The discarded helicopter already weighed about 1.8 tons on its own, even when stripped of its interior. The final artwork, once completed, will weigh between five to six tons. The intention behind this project is to install the artwork at an intersection in NRW (North Rhine-Westphalia) as a counterweight to the monotony of the surroundings and to help reduce the risk of accidents.

The sculpture, titled "Yellow Angel," directly reflects the ADAC's role as the initiator and sponsor of the project. The eight angels depicted symbolize the assistance provided by the ADAC and the collaborative effort of their team. The sculpture depicts a dynamic scene, with the angels lifting the helicopter into the air and guiding it on its journey. Crafted on August 28, at a large steel plant belonging to the art metal design manufacturer Polenz in Luedinghausen, the eight angels are made from special steel that rusts over approximately six months, according to CEO Juergen Polenz. Artist Alfred Gockel noted that they chose this type of steel to incorporate a symbol of the mining and steelwork heritage of the Ruhr area.

Note; The sculpture, situated atop a small island hill within a junction, is inaccessible by foot.

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