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Serial Number10508 / 031233
Civil reg.
Mil. reg.93+01

This helicopter when registered in East Germany to the Nationale Volksarmee as NVA-398 was operated by the HG-34 from July 1969 till March 1991.

Then re-registered to the German Bundeswehr as 93+01 and operated by the Ltg 65 from April 1991 till June 1991.

This helicopter was then SOC as PWFU and transported, as owned by the Luftwaffen Museum der Bundeswehr in Berlin Gatow by 1995.

This museum changed it's name to the Militaer Historisches Museum (MHM) Berlin Gatow on the 1st of October 2011. Stored in the restoration area awaiting its annual inspection on the 27th of April 2017.

24 Photos found
Dick Lohuis Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk
Private Archive SRHK Frank Vorwerk Private Archive SRHK Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk
Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk Private Archive SRHK Frank Vorwerk Frank Vorwerk
Private Archive SRHK Private Archive SRHK Frank Vorwerk Private Archive SRHK Private Archive SRHK Private Archive SRHK

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